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Whatever Happened to Grace


I wrote this poem March 11, 2016 after relaxing at the house with my mom and she looked at me and stated,

"You're so graceful, you can marry a king."

As grateful as I was for my mother seeing God's grace in me, and it is ALL God, step away from Him and ugly appears quick, I found myself contemplating that word, GRACE and how saddened and upset it made me how women are dishonored in our society, how they have believed the lies and live accordingly, and how men have forgotten how to protect her virtue.

Whatever Happened to Grace

“You’re so graceful,

You can marry a king.”

But whatever happened to Grace?

She was frocked by Debauchery.

Whatever happened to Woman

Striving to walk dressed in the beauty of Grace,

Kind eloquence, secure confidence, quiet strength in the midst of adversity?

She chose to please Man’s desire for salaciously glazed thorns.

Whatever happened to the Knight,

Protecting his woman’s virtue, body, and soul?

He found it more self satisfying and heightening

To parasite the covetous lusts of others.

When did brazen lewdness become the ravenous aspiration?

Don’t you know, “a beautiful woman without discretion

Is like a gold ring in a pig’s snout”?

Thank society or you that applaud this with a steadfast gaze?

Woman, who do you give yourself to?

The one who will honor, love, and shield all your beauty with his own life

Or the one who will prostitute your beauty for his gain?

Whatever happened to you honoring him with the sacredness of

For his eyes only?

Whatever happened to giving only him the honor and pleasure of your touch

Saturated with loving passion and desire?

Is your insecurity so deep that it needs the approval of many?

Whatever happened to the joys and wonders of love unfolded

in the sanctity of God’s gift for Man and Woman,

Where Man contemplates and internalizes the beauty of her bareness

A captivating place where he confidently states,

“I have been where none other has been.

This love was carefully sculpted, arduously guarded,

and purposefully treasured just for me.”

Remember, God made it.

He owns it.

And anything other than it,

A sweet fragrant bouquet

Swelling with precious, ethereal hued peonies

Discarded in the stenched landfill trenches,

Doused in feces.


Do not conform to the beauty demanded by this world.

Remember “beauty is fleeting”.


See Beauty shining through

From the One who created all things new and wondrous.

He put the glittering sparkles on the waters of a sun set day,

Reflected in her loving eyes.

He painted the warm hues set forth in Dawn,

Felt in her nurtured embrace.

He scattered the sunflowers, making fields of gold,

Placed in the brightness of her spirited smile

He molded dancing foothills and triumphant mountains,

Captured in the strength and dignity of her gait.

He stretched out the wind-blown oak tree branches,

Mirrored in this blessed servant’s anointed hands.

He ordered the rumbling thunders and lightning bolts,

Assuring wisdom and praise to follow her

All the days of her life.

Oh gracious woman!

Where can she be found?

I see her.

I see Grace in you.

Get out of the wasteland.

Stand up, push out, fight out!

Get out of the wasteland!

Armor yourself.

You were planted to be

So much more

An oak of righteousness

For the display of the

Splendor of the Lord.


Bible References

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